Mobile Off-grid EV Charger With Bioheat
Bennamann Energy is undertaking a programme to develop and demonstrate technologies that will enable fugitive methane sourced from farm manure slurry to be used to deliver rapid electric vehicle (EV) charging in rural locations (without access to the power grid/the need to upgrade the power grid).

This project is part-funded
by the European Regional
Development Fund
Additionally, the system provides better than zero carbon bioheat for space/water heating in domestic dwellings/office buildings or on-farm process applications. As the system is powered by fugitive methane (which has more than 80 times the Global Warming Potential of CO2), using the chargers helps provide rapid mitigation of climate change.
Our truly disruptive EV infrastructure solution will allow businesses and communities to scale their EV infrastructure to temporarily or permanently meet increasing demand without the need for power-grid connections or investment in upgrades to the grid.

Three applications will be demonstrated: a farm-based EV charger; a village-based EV charger; and a domestic dwelling EV charger, all with hot water provision for bioheat, and business models for their commercial roll-out will be developed.
The greenhouse gas emissions reduction delivered by the demonstrators will be estimated and verified and an assessment undertaken of the climate change mitigation potential of the technologies if rolled-out at scale across the Cornwall & IoS area.