More farms in 6-Farm Pilot progress towards 'Gas Ready'

In parallel with the successful start of gas processing at Trenance Farm, the first in our 6-Farm Pilot partnership with Cornwall Council and Cormac, work has continued at the second and third farms involved in the project. The specific details of these two sites are quite different to Trenance, and indeed with each other, thereby providing excellent opportunities for our engineering team to gain valuable experience of solving a broad range of potential installation challenges ahead of full commercial roll-out. 

The work at Trenerry Farm, the second farm in the pilot, involves remodelling of the existing slurry lagoon to achieve a circa 40m x 30m surface; connection into an existing slurry channel system; reception tank including macerator; and installation of our plantroom. Progress on site has gone well and the system has now been declared ‘Gas Ready’ (ie all liners on, reception tank connected, slurry accepted into the lagoon and plantroom operational).

Slurry reception tank under construction at Glyn Crest Farm, the third site in the 6-Farm pilot project

At the third site, Glyn Crest Farm, rather than remodelling a lagoon, we are replacing an existing slurry tank with a new 7m deep, 40m x 30m surface area lagoon; connecting into an existing slurry channel system; and providing a reception tank including macerator as well as our plantroom. At this farm, which has a Gas Ready target date of October, the reception tank is under construction and bulk excavation of the lagoon is completed. The considerable knowledge base that we are building from these pilot farms is being used to develop standard designs and installation specifications that will underpin our future commercial operations.

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