Bennamann Ltd
Bennamann Ltd is the research, development, engineering and manufacturing arm of Bennamann. Established in 2011 and led by co-founder and Chief Technology Officer Dr Chris Mann, the company works at the cutting edge of technology innovation at all four stages of the fugitive methane value chain (capture and process, storage, distribution, and use).
Many of the company’s innovations derive from the space sector and include:
- proprietary covers for slurry lagoons that enable methane capture and storage;
- equipment for small-scale off-grid biogas processing and methane liquification;
- patented fuel tanks for storage, transport and use of liquid methane;
- proprietary engineering for optimised small-scale anaerobic digestion (AD);
- mobile off-grid electrical vehicle charging units with bioheat recovery and use;
- Internet of Things (IoT) enabled equipment monitoring, control, diagnosis, metering and customer billing;
- satellite enabled technology for optimised biomethane sourcing from grassland.
Bennamann Ltd operates on two sites in Cornwall, with research, development, engineering and manufacturing based at Chynoweth Farm to the west of Truro; and workshop facilities located at the Aerohub adjacent to Cornwall Airport Newquay.